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Johanne Mailund Rebsdorf


M: +45 20 78 97 26

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Johanne har særligt fokus på tekstiler fra et antropologisk perspektiv. I den forbindelse har hun særligt undersøgt forskellige aktørers forståelser af tekstilaffald på tværs af varekæder.

Johanne er skarp på antropologiske metoder såsom deltagerobservation, semistrukturerede interviews og participatorisk fotografi, samt projektdesign med flerstedet etnografi. Hun arbejder indenfor felterne forbrug og produktion, internationale varekæder, fødevarer, tøjspild og affald.

Johanne har en kandidat i antropologi fra Københavns Universitet.


Johanne Mailund Rebsdorf


M: +45 20 78 97 26

  • LinkedIn

Johanne has written her master's thesis within international trade in textiles from an anthropological perspective. In this connection, she has particularly investigated various actors' understanding of textile waste across supply chains.

During her education, Johanne has been trained in anthropological methods such as participant observation, semi-structured interviews and participatory photography, as well as project design with multi-site ethnography. She works in the fields of consumption and production, international supply chains, food, clothing waste and waste.

Johanne has a bachelor's degree in anthropology from the University of Copenhagen and is working on her master's degree at the same place.

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